School Safety Policy
School Safety Policy
1. BBSS is committed to ensuring a safe, healthy and accident free environment for all staff and students.
2. It is the policy of the School, so far as is reasonably practicable, to:
a. establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the school;
b. establish and maintain safe working procedures among staff and students;
c. ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all staff and students to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety;
d. ensure that all staff and pupils have access to health and safety training as appropriate or as and when provided;
e. formulate effective procedures for use in case of fire or other emergencies and for evacuating the school premises;
f. lay down procedures to be followed in case of accident;
g. teach safety as part of student’s responsibilities where appropriate.
Responsibilities of all Staff
3. All staff have a responsibility to:
a. take care for the health and safety of themselves and of any person who might be affected by their acts at work;
b. make themselves aware of all safety rules, procedures and safe working practices applicable to their areas of work; where in doubt they must seek immediate clarification from members of the School Safety Committee;
c. ensure that tools and equipment that they may use in the course of their work are in good condition and report any defects to members of the School Safety Committee;
d. use any protective clothing and safety equipment provided and ensure that these are kept in good condition;
e. ensure that any accidents, whether or not an injury occurs, and potential hazards are reported to members of the School Safety Committee.
Responsibilities of Students
4. All students are expected to:
a. exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and their fellow students;
b. observe all the safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of the teaching staff in the event of an emergency;
c. use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for safety purposes.
5. In pursuance of this policy the School has established the Safety Committee, to advise members of the School on all matters relating to safety and to oversee the implementation of the School’s safety policy.
Prepared by: School Safety Committee